Chivet Neang Macha
Chivet Neang Macha
Rating 8.8

Chivet Neang Macha

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Chivet Neang Macha, ជីវិតនាងមឆ្ខា
Status: Completed Network: Studio: Released: Jan 24, 2025 Duration: 35 Min. Season: Country: Type: Philippines Episodes: 63 Censor: Censored Posted by: Fanta Tech Released on: Updated on:
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This title has been categorized as 'mature', therefore may contain intense violence, blood/gore, sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers.

Synopsis Chivet Neang Macha

Twins Alona and Perlas are born with unusual features — one is born with gills and the other with a mermaid’s tail. Worried by how would their neighbours react, their mother decides to move along with them to an isolated island. The twins have to live separately. Living with her mother, Perlas works in an ocean park. While Alona lives as a princess within the confines of the water, the kingdom of Sirenadia. Eventually the twins will fall in love with Kevin.

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