Kou Sne Sdach Shopping The romantic comedy series “Shopping King Louie” revolves around a handsome shopaholic named Louis, who is the successor of a vast business empire but becomes homeless…
Sroisabunnga was born into an aristocratic family and was taught to be proud of her heritage and blood. However, because her father was accused of being a rebel before his…
Yeekhe Chumpeak Sne Phlengrak is the cherished son of the Phleng Phin Isan Lamsing mor lam troupe. Fate leads him to fall for Janphen, the daughter of the likay…
During the Longhua period, eunuch Xiao Duo plotted with Fu Wang to help him sit on the throne. Bu Yin Lou was supposed to be buried with the late Emperor,…
Mon Sne Somneang, “โนราสะออน” a fun drama that touches the heart It is the reunion of Her Majesty “Toomtam Yutthana” and “Nat Aniporn” who this time have to clash as…
Through a series of missions, a man discovers that the people he has been working for has unspeakable connections to dangerous organizations. Through the help of his love interest, they…
Daracha is a 35-year-old woman who is well-educated and has a simple life with a set routine. After the failure of her first love, she has never opened up her…
Kru Pet Chhlong Phop Bua, a medical student from today’s 5G era, is mysteriously swept back to King Rama III’s reign – the golden era of Thai traditional medicine. Immediately…
Pres Leak Ksenvong King Phrommathat has a wife Suwanampha and a son named Laksanawong. One day, he takes her majesty and the prince to the forest where they…